Mr.Kamolwat Visetsiri (3rd from left) Director, Central Administration Office of the National Park, Wildlife and Plant Conservation Department, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment and Mr.Somyos Polchan (4th from left) Vice President of Thai Forest Conservation Foundation signed a Memorandum of Cooperation (MOC) to conserve natural resources in National Park area, especially watershed area. The activities aim to create the learning process to youth and community networking groups and to promote the survey research on national conservation together with making national-sign, etc.

Thai Forest Conservation Foundation has been founded by EGCO Group, the Thailand’s First Independent Power Producer with the objective to work on a deforestation prevention plan, raising awareness and building a network on forest and water resources conservation. The foundation aims to urge participation from communities, young people and the general public in the activities and projects on forest conservation and sustainable natural resource use such as school activities, community forest programmes, forest conservation fund-raising, and public relations activities.